Monday, January 2, 2012

"Your Murder Mix-Tape"

"The Mix-Tape" was way better than the playlist

The Mix-tape was something that took time and every song had to mean something. some will argue and say "creating a playlist on your iPod or MP3 player is way better because you can put an endless amount of songs on one list." and anyone who would say such a thing obviously didn't grow up during the early and mid 90's.

90 minutes was all the time you had on one cassette and in that time frame you had to show your best friend what awesome bands you heard recently on your favorite college radio station. It was even harder to put together a list of songs to show that girl/boy how you really felt about them.(Every MixTape expressing your love needed a BoyzIIMen song on it), and after you spent all the time stressing out on what order the songs should go in and what song is chosen for your climactic ending you still had to come up with the most amazing title for your MixTape. My favorite title i ever used was "Hail Satan" and you know some Slayer songs were on that mix and a few pentagrams were drawn on the front!

Every song that you put on your Mix-tape you had to listen to atleast three times: Once when you were trying to find the songs that would be on your Mix-tape another when you were recording the song and yet one more time when you listened to the damn thing from beginning to end to make sure that each song sounded right fallowing the previous song so you better believe every song was amazing to listen to and then sometimes if you didn't have the song in your own personal collection you had to wait for it to be played on the radio and you had to also make sure that you started and stopped the cassette at just the right moment  so the "DJ" would not be heard. It was hard work but who cares when you are dealing with some of the most influential songs on your life.

The worst thing that could happen while creating your PERFECT Mix-tape was to run out of time. You sit there nervous watching your tape deck while tape slowly gathers on one side and then your worst nightmare comes true... The tape stops and you hear the record and play button click off, your heart sinks and you think 'God Damnit! I have to go back and remove one damn song just so i can fit it all on one cassette!' but no matter how pissed you were you still did it and you still loved that Mix-tape when it was done 

90 minutes was all the time you had to influence someones taste in music so every second counted.

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