Monday, January 30, 2012

Sugar, Spice, Everything Nice and Chemical X!

Eliot Marie!

Professor Autobee made an attempt "to create the perfect little girl" using a mixture of "sugar... spice... and everything nice"  However, he accidentally spilled a mysterious substance called "Chemical X" into the mixture, creating one "perfect little girl", and granting her all superpowers including flightsuper strengthsuper speed, near invulnerability, x-ray vision, super senses, heat vision, and energy projection. 
That is right my daughter is a Power Puff Girl!

Usually parenting books or "guides" to a new baby are boring to read and and feel like you are are reading a text book (nobody enjoys reading a text book) but I found the greatest book ever "The Caveman’s Pregnancy Companion" Not only does it make learning about my new baby fun my wife and i have both enjoyed many laughs while reading it. If you are a dad to be you need this book 

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Saturday, January 28, 2012

"We'll Have Some Fun When The Clock Strikes One"

“Rock and roll keeps you in a constant state of juvenile delinquency.”
Eddie Spaghetti


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Thursday, January 19, 2012

"Don't Forget Your Roots"

"My music had roots which I'd dug up from my own childhood, musical roots buried in the darkest soil."
-Ray Charles

Sometimes I think about the music of the past, Artist like Ray Charles, Billy Preston, Loretta Lynn, and Elvis Costello (just to name a few), and I wonder if music could ever be as great as it once was. It seems that music used to have heart and soul now it is just watered down and everyone is focused on fallowing the trends to get famous, but recently i heard an artist that really caught my attention. Tristen is an artist who has really dug deep down inside and expressed her self in her music. I fell in love with "Charlatans at the Garden Gate" and I hope you fall in love with the music also. Tristen definitely  stayed true to her roots in this album.    

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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

This Is My Mixed Tape For Her (It's like I wrote every note with my own fingers)

Where are you now? 
As I'm swimming through the stereo 
I'm writing you a symphony of sound 
Where are you now? 
As I rearrange the songs again 
This mix could burn a hole in anyone 
But it was you I was thinking of
-Jack's Mannequin "Mixed Tape"

Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Jane Doe Onesie

Alma (My special lady) Just made the coolest onesie for Eliot Marie (Our special baby) It is the album cover from Converge. This band has a special place in our heart when it comes to our relationship 

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Monday, January 2, 2012

"Your Murder Mix-Tape"

"The Mix-Tape" was way better than the playlist

The Mix-tape was something that took time and every song had to mean something. some will argue and say "creating a playlist on your iPod or MP3 player is way better because you can put an endless amount of songs on one list." and anyone who would say such a thing obviously didn't grow up during the early and mid 90's.

90 minutes was all the time you had on one cassette and in that time frame you had to show your best friend what awesome bands you heard recently on your favorite college radio station. It was even harder to put together a list of songs to show that girl/boy how you really felt about them.(Every MixTape expressing your love needed a BoyzIIMen song on it), and after you spent all the time stressing out on what order the songs should go in and what song is chosen for your climactic ending you still had to come up with the most amazing title for your MixTape. My favorite title i ever used was "Hail Satan" and you know some Slayer songs were on that mix and a few pentagrams were drawn on the front!

Every song that you put on your Mix-tape you had to listen to atleast three times: Once when you were trying to find the songs that would be on your Mix-tape another when you were recording the song and yet one more time when you listened to the damn thing from beginning to end to make sure that each song sounded right fallowing the previous song so you better believe every song was amazing to listen to and then sometimes if you didn't have the song in your own personal collection you had to wait for it to be played on the radio and you had to also make sure that you started and stopped the cassette at just the right moment  so the "DJ" would not be heard. It was hard work but who cares when you are dealing with some of the most influential songs on your life.

The worst thing that could happen while creating your PERFECT Mix-tape was to run out of time. You sit there nervous watching your tape deck while tape slowly gathers on one side and then your worst nightmare comes true... The tape stops and you hear the record and play button click off, your heart sinks and you think 'God Damnit! I have to go back and remove one damn song just so i can fit it all on one cassette!' but no matter how pissed you were you still did it and you still loved that Mix-tape when it was done 

90 minutes was all the time you had to influence someones taste in music so every second counted.

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Saturday, December 24, 2011

My top 3 favorite concept albums

3. Abigail by King Diamond

It is an amazing story of sheer evil! This is an album that you must take the time to really listen to and read every lyric. It is a tail of Miriam Natias and Jonathan La'Fey, who move into an old mansion that La'Fey inherited. before arriving to the mansion the couple is warned not to go into the house because of the evil that dwells in it. The evil in the house is Abigail Le'Fay who was the second coming of the devil who was stillborn on July 7th 1777. Abigail's spirit dwells in the house waiting for the chance to become born once again and when  Miriam Natias and Jonathan La'Fey enter the house her      chance to become born becomes a reality. 

The album is not only an amazing story but also has amzing music to accompany it. King Diamonds voice may not be easy to get into but if you can look past the high pitches of his voice you may be blown away by the lyrics and the music.

2. Truthless Heroes by Project 86

This is an album that you do not need to take time to really pay attention to. I am not saying the album is simplistic in anyway I am saying that you can listen to the songs individually and fully understand what the song is talking about. The album  takes you through the one individuals life and his attempts to gratify himself and fill his deepest needs as a person through fame, fortune, lust, even God. The story has a tragic ending because the main character can never feel that void in his life.

Album Highlight: S.M.C. (Sunday Mass Crusade) Project 86 is a christian band that is not afraid to say anything negative about "the church" this song talks about how the good spirit of God does not exist in some churches anymore because of the individuals that run things and how they are only looking to make a dollar off of God, and how that can push many people away that who may need some type of guidance.

1. Who Will Survive, And What Will Be Left Of Them? by Murder By Death

This album has the feel of old ghost stories told around the camp fire. The album takes place in a small town in Mexico. After a night of heavy drinking The Devil is in his death bed surrounded by the locals who are saving his blood which is oil so they can sell it. The Devil becomes angry and wages war on the locals. At first the locals do not care because The Devil is dying but when they realize that The Devils threats were not empty ones they become terrified and lose all hope. The climax of the story is at the end (as it should be) when the devil comes into there homes and the locals no longer except defeat and fight back. There is no certain ending to this story the singer does not state who wins the war. He leaves it up to the listener to create their own ending.

The album has all the makings of a great horror story it speaks about God, The Devil, and Zombies. 

Album Highlight: The Music, The Music, The Music

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